Can I Replant My Dracaena Spike Plant?

potted dracaena

I have a Dracaena Spike plant that I purchased 3 years ago and wintered indoors and replanted outside in a large pot on my porch. I use it as a centerpiece and put annuals around it. This year it is over 3 ft. tall and 3 ft. in circumference. Since I have two, I don’t think I can bring them indoors. Can I propagate them by removing the top portion and replanting it? Any other suggestions? Bev

Answer: The Dracaenas are a large family of more than 40 varieties, which in their native climate would be rugged, low-maintenance shrubs. As a houseplant the common varieties are sold as “lucky bamboo,” corn plant, and the most common dracaena, ‘marginata’. The ‘marginata’ is prone to becoming long and looking somewhat like a giant bottle brush but it does propagate well. However, spring is usually the best time to do this, although I’ve had some successes in the fall. Since you have two I suggest you try it with one now and leave the other until spring. Don’t throw away the mother plant. If you leave it potted it will sprout new growth around the top of the cane, sometimes two or three sprouts. For the top you cut off, be sure to remove any foliage that would be below the soil. If you have some powdered rooting hormone, dip the cane in some water and then into the rooting hormone to help it get started producing roots from the former leaf nodules. Keep it evenly moist and out of direct sun until it has started to set root. This process could take several weeks, so be patient. You can do this several times and really have a whole potful of nice spiky dracaena!

And if it doesn’t work well, we will have more in the spring!

Good luck ~ Karen

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  • Reply
    November 29, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    My dracenas do not have canes. They start at the roots and spread out, which is why I thought maybe I could just pull out the center that is only about 2 feet in diameter instead of 3 feet. What do you think? Thanks, Bev

    • Reply
      November 29, 2011 at 2:50 pm

      Can you supply a picture of the dracaenas? I’m not completely sure which one you are referring to.

      • Reply
        December 2, 2011 at 2:11 pm

        Here are some photos, hope they help. The flower pot is 24" in diameter. Bev

  • Reply
    December 12, 2011 at 2:21 pm

    Ok, as I suspected, this is more often referred to as a cordyline. While they and dracaena (or also spelled dracena) are all members of the Liliaceae family, growers have broken them down so you will find plants called cordyline, dracena, and ti plants. All grow similarly. It should still root comparably to the dracena with cuttings, although many of these highly hybridized plants can be more resistant to propagation. There are several specific tutorials on the Web about propagation of this variety. Basically you need to ensure that you remove all the leaves from the stems so that the roots can form from the leaf nodules. Try water rooting or use a rooting hormone and a sterile rooting medium. As a back-up, overwinter the parent plant’s base and roots in a basement or garage, as the plant might also sprout new growth next spring.

    Hope this helps and best of luck.

  • Reply
    December 22, 2012 at 2:08 pm

    We take ours in to an unheated garage every fall and it is now about 7 or 8 years old. This past year it bloomed, alot of beautiful flowers with vanilla scent and it lasted a long time – never expected that. However, I also have a snake plant, Sansierveria, that bloomed, very beautiful, also lasted a long time and it had a citrus scent. I have photos of both if anyone would like to see them

  • Reply
    November 9, 2016 at 11:44 am

    I have 2 dracena-Margarite plants I call them
    Started ata little 6″ guys and now after 10 yrs are over 3 ft
    Just wondering..How Old Can they Get?
    I am ready to start another New Babby spike, butt..
    I am retired and if I pass away beforehand, I would like to decide to whome to give them too in my will..

    • Reply
      November 10, 2016 at 10:31 am

      Dennis, congrats on your 10 year old plant! Here is an article that talks about getting a new start going. Good luck! Joe

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